Drainless Tummy Tuck

The tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, is one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures among men and women. It’s not hard to understand why this advanced surgical procedure is sought after by so many. Patient who have lost a lot of weight, given birth, or found themselves struggling with stubborn fat in the midsection can now achieve the contoured appearance they desire. Not only does the tummy tuck involve the removal of excess fat and lax skin, but it also strengthens the abdominal muscles revealing a toned, tight belly.

In the past, the use of drains during this procedure made it slightly less appealing. Historically, drains were important for preventing fluid collection. Patients were required to keep drains in place for up to seven days following their procedure. This process can be extremely uncomfortable and inconvenient.

Now there is a way to get a drainless tummy tuck! Advances in plastic surgery techniques bring drainless tummy tucks to the forefront of popular cosmetic procedures. Dr. Boudana is pleased to offer this option to his patients in the North York, Toronto, Ontario region!

During your consultation with Dr. Boudana you can learn if the drainless tummy tuck, is the best procedure for you. For now, here’s a quick overview.

What is a Drainless Tummy Tuck?

This procedure combines the traditional tummy tuck with liposuction. Results are achieved by using a layered suturing technique. This eliminates the need for any drains and sends patients home with an easier recover time.

Dr. Boudana will use liposuction to get rid of isolated fat deposits in the abdominal area. His many years of experiencing allows for a more contoured and shapely appearance while minimizing the need for further surgical intervention.
From there, he will make a strategic incision in the abdominal region. Loose skin will be removed while the remaining skin and muscle tissue are tightened to create a flat and more defined abdomen.

Finally, Dr. Boudana will apply multiple layers of sutures; the technique which makes it possible for you to enjoy a drain-free recovery process.

Combined Tummy Tuck and Liposuction

There are several advantages to the drainless tummy tuck, starting with the fact that it allows you to enjoy the benefits of the traditional tummy tuck while combining the advantages of liposuction.

Traditional tummy tucks are limited in how they allow surgeons to address excess fat and tissue. Liposuction is known for its ability to contour the body and remove fat in a more accurate and precise way. By combining the two, your Dr. Boudana can do quite a bit more to address fat and sagging skin, leaving you with elevated and more natural looking results.

What some might find most appealing is that combining the tummy tuck procedure with liposuction allows for a much smoother and easier recovery process. Specifically, patients don’t have to worry about measuring fluid output or cleaning out their drains. A number of advanced surgical techniques ensure that the drainless tummy tuck recovery time is shorter and easier than a traditional abdominoplasty procedure.

Recovering from a Drainless Tummy Tuck

As mentioned above, the drainless tummy tuck comes with a shorter and smoother recovery process. What can patients expect following their procedure?

Recovery may vary from patient to patient, but here are some general guidelines and expectations.

  • Patients can expect to be sent home wearing a compression garment. This helps minimize swelling and expedite your recovery. This garment will likely need to be worn for a few weeks.
  • Patients will be expected to relax and give their body time to heal. Most patients feel ready to resume their normal daily activities in one to two weeks.
  • Dr. Boudana will periodically follow up with patients and determine when they are cleared to resume exercise, heavy lifting, and other strenuous activities. Typically, it takes one month to resume these activities.
  • Swelling and bruising after the procedure is very normal. Patients may not be able to see their final tummy tuck results right away. Most patients see gradual results over the first few weeks of recovery. Within eight weeks of the procedure, a very clear picture of your new, contoured physique will be revealed,
  • While patients can anticipate a small amount of tenderness and discomfort after a tummy tuck procedure, Dr. Boudana can use long-lasting medications to minimize the pain. Prescription pain medications may also be used as needed. Many patients feel they don’t need them. Over-the-counter remedies can also be used to relieve pain and discomfort.

Are You a Good Candidate For a Tummy Tuck?

If you have been considering a tummy tuck but hesitate because of the recovery process, you may be a good candidate for a drainless procedure.

If you are concerned about or feel a lack of confidence because of excess fat or saggy skin, particularly around your belly and lower abdomen, then a tummy tuck may be the correct approach.

During a consultation with Dr. Boudana, he will determine whether you are a good candidate for a safe and successful tummy tuck, drainless or otherwise.
The best candidates for a tummy tuck meet the following criteria:

  • Have a manageable body weight.
  • Exercise regularly and have good nutritional habits.
  • Do not smoke.
  • Do not have any underlying health conditions that would affect their ability to heal.
  • Understand and have reasonable expectations about the procedure, the recovery, and the results.

READY to Begin Your Transformation?

Schedule your personal or virtual consultation with Dr. David Boudana.

During your consultation, Dr. Boudana will take the time to address your specific goals and to discuss your treatment options. He will determine if you are a good candidate for cosmetic surgery and review the results that can be realistically achieved. He will also help you determine which complementary procedures may benefit you the most.