Should You Consider an Thigh Lift?

As you age, the skin on your thighs changes, often sagging and becoming loose. Fluctuations in weight may also result in fat accumulation on the thighs. Sometimes this can cause body image issues and people will avoid baring their thighs. A thigh lift, combined with liposuction, may be the solution to more flattering legs and a boost to your self-esteem.

The objective of this procedure is to remove excess skin and tighten underlying tissues on the thighs.

Are you a good candidate for Thigh lift?

There are a range of factors leading to weight gain. Successful thigh lift outcomes are determined by surgery along with lifestyle and behaviour modifications that keep you looking great long after the surgery is complete. Candidates for a thigh lift need to fulfil a range of conditions.

  • Unwanted skin, fat or soft tissue on the thighs
  • Achieve weight loss goals and maintain stable weight prior to surgery
  • Be in good general health
  • Stop smoking for a prescribed time before and after surgery
  • Avoid heavy alcohol consumption
  • Commit to a regimen of diet and exercise
  • Have realistic expectations of thigh lift surgery results

Are You A Candidate?

Our Thigh Lift Cosmetic Self Evaluation can help you decide if a this is the right procedure for you.

What are the procedure techniques and scars

Dr. Boudana uses different techniques and adapts his choice of technique to the patient’s expectations and clinical findings. He can propose a thigh lift with a vertical incision on the inner thigh, a short horizontal incision on the upper thigh or a T-shaped incision.

There are several types of thigh lifts to remove excess skin, tissue and fat. The condition of your thighs will determine incision placements, taking into consideration your unique shape. Patients with greater amounts of fat, tissue and skin to be removed will usually require more complex incisions. Everyone is different, and your thigh lift surgery is personalised to provide optimum results.

The location of scars can therefore vary depending on the technique used. Scars can be located on the inner thigh or upper thigh.

In all cases, excess fat, skin and tissue is removed, resulting in shapelier legs and a proportionate physique.

  • Anaesthesia:
  • Duration:
    2 to 3.5 hours
  • Pain level:
  • Recovery time:
    10 to 15 days
  • Resumption of physical activities:
    4 to 6 weeks

Procedure info

During the consultation, Dr Boudana will be very attentive to your expectations.

Dr. Boudana will examine your thighs and will consider all factors that can influence the aesthetic result such as thigh width and shape, the amount of fat, skin quality, the position of the excess skin (inner or outer thigh, around the knee) and the presence of venous or lymphatic insufficiency.

Dr. Boudana will discuss scar location and length with you.

The procedure is performed under general anaesthesia and combines liposuction of the thighs and sometimes the knees, followed by the removal of excess skin.

This operation lasts between 2 hours and 3.5 hours depending on the extent of the excess skin and fat.

A thigh lift is an outpatient procedure, meaning you can go home the same day as the operation. You will be discharged after thorough postoperative monitoring.

You will need to have a companion bring you home and monitor you for the first 24 hours. We also recommend having someone to help you with daily tasks for the first week following surgery.

After the surgery, you will have to wear a compression garment for two to six weeks to reduce swelling and compress the scars. We provide the compression garment and place it before you wake up in the recovery room.

After the surgery, you will receive a personalized follow-up. Our nurses will also be available and will perform the first dressing change at our clinic, typically one week after surgery.

You will be given a postoperative instruction sheet when you are discharged as well as a prescription for pain medication.

All our follow-up appointments are free of charge for the first year after your surgery.


The results of your thigh lift surgery will become evident right away, although swelling may prevent you from seeing the full outcome for a few weeks. You will need to wear a compression garment for about 4 weeks to help reduce swelling. Those results will be long-lasting as long as you adhere to a healthy weight and lifestyle after your surgery.

A thigh lift is a surgical procedure that offers dramatic results in sculpting the lower body.

** The photos and/or videos are not presented as a guarantee of result. The results may vary.
** Patients gave their consent for the publication of photos and/or videos.

Do you want to see your new look before the surgery?

Visualize yourself in 3D & discover your new look with Dr. David Boudana!

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Book your 3D Consultation Today!

Ready to define and tone your thighs?

Schedule your personal or virtual consultation with Dr. David Boudana.

During your consultation, Dr. Boudana will take the time to address your specific goals and to discuss your treatment options. He will determine if you are a good candidate for thigh lift surgery and review the results that can be realistically achieved. He will also help you determine which complementary procedures may benefit you the most.