Should You Consider Neck Lift?

As you age, the skin in the neck loses its natural elasticity and begins to sag. Neck muscles relax and fat often accumulates in the area.

As such, the neck may appear less attractive and youthful, and platysmal bands (the bands of excess skin that stretch from the jawline to the bottom of the neck) can become more pronounced, causing what is known as “turkey wattle neck.”

A neck lift can:

  • Correct loose sagging skin around the neck;
  • Remove excess neck fat;
  • Redefine the jawline and the angle between the neck and the chin;
  • Improve unsightly muscle bands in the neck.

Are you a good candidate for Neck lift?

You may be a good candidate for neck lift if you are bothered by:

  • The appearance of a “double chin” or fullness under the chin
  • A heavy or poorly defined jawline
  • Excess, sagging skin of the neck causing a “turkey neck” appearance
  • The appearance of wrinkles and creases of the neck
  • Vertical bands of the neck

Are You A Candidate?

Our Facial Rejuvenation Self Evaluation can help you decide if a neck lift is the right procedure for you.

What are the procedure techniques and scars

Dr. Boudana is trained in different cervical lifting techniques:

  • The subcutaneous lift is a simple skin lift that removes excess skin and tightens it. Today, this technique is seldom used as the results are generally not satisfactory in the long term.
  • Under the chin lifting (corset platysmaplasty) is a technique where the surgeon makes a small incision under the chin and tightens the platysma muscle, which can cause neck bands. This procedure can be combined with neck liposuction.
  • The cervical lift by preauricular incision involves removing the skin and tightening the platysma muscle laterally. This procedure is often performed at the same time as a facelift. The most recent techniques include a cross section of the muscle and its lateral repositioning. The results of this procedure are impressive, especially in patients who suffer from significant muscle relaxation.

Neck lift incisions can be made under the chin (just below the fold) or at the temple close to the hairline, continuing down and around the front of the ears and ending behind the ears. The incisions are made in the natural folds of the skin so that scars will be as discreet as possible.

The type of neck lift that is right for you depends on your anatomy and your expectations. Dr. Boudana will provide you with precise information on the benefits and risks of the different surgical techniques so you can choose the one that best suits your needs.

  • Anaesthesia:
    Local with sedation or general
  • Duration:
    1.5 to 5 hours
  • Pain level:
  • Recovery time:
    10 to 15 days
  • Resumption of physical activities:
    4 weeks

Procedure details

During the consultation, Dr. Boudana will be very attentive to your expectations. The choice of technique will depend on many factors: skin quality, quantity of excess skin, muscle relaxation, and the presence of excess fat in the neck area.

However, your expectations and the desired result are the most important factor in choosing the right treatment. But not all goals are realistic, and it is important to understand what surgery can and cannot accomplish. If applicable, Dr. Boudana can suggest complementary procedures such as blepharoplasty, or a facelift, or can recommend nonsurgical treatments such as CoolSculpting® or botulinum toxin injections.

A general anaesthetic is used for the neck lift procedure, so you will be asleep for the duration of the treatment. Before you are put under anaesthesia, Dr. Boudana will draw out the planned locations of the incisions and confirm these with you again. Once you’re under anaesthesia, incisions are neatly placed in the natural crease lines and hairlines to reduce their visibility.

You must have a companion present to take you home after surgery. They should also be there to help and monitor you for the first 24 hours following surgery. We also recommend having help with daily tasks for the first week.

Swelling is normal in the first few days and will gradually go down in the following months.

After the surgery, you will receive a personalized follow-up. Our specialized nurses will also be available and will perform the dressing changes after surgery. All our follow-up appointments are free of charge for the first year after your surgery.


Look More Youthful and Elegant

Neck contouring creates a firmer, smoother, and more refined appearance to the neck, chin, and underjaw area. This can help you look younger, more balanced, or as if you’ve lost weight.

** The photos and/or videos are not presented as a guarantee of result. The results may vary.
** Images are not of actual clients and are for presentations purposes only.

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Ready For A Younger, Fresher You?

Schedule your personal or virtual consultation with Dr. David Boudana.

During your consultation, Dr. Boudana will take the time to address your specific goals and to discuss your treatment options. He will determine if you are a good candidate for facelift surgery and review the results that can be realistically achieved. He will also help you determine which complementary procedures may benefit you the most.