This brief self-evaluation will help you determine whether you are a candidate for breast enhancement. After completing this evaluation, you will receive a general explanation of the questions and a personalized result based on your answers. We’ll ne happy to contact you for a consultation to discuss your results and suggested implant options.

This evaluation should take no more than 2 minutes.

    What is your age group?

    What is your current weight in lbs?

    What is your height in inches?

    What is your current bra cup size?

    What is your desired bra cup size?

    Do you have breast sagging?

    Did you breast feed your children?

    Have you undergone previous breast surgery?

    Have you ever had any problems with your breasts (eg. lump, cancer, etc.)?

    Do you smoke tobacco or use nicotine products?

    Are you in good overall medical health?

    Are you generally within 30 lbs or 13.6 kg of your ideal weight?

    Please provide us with your contact details: