Should You Consider Male Breast Reduction Surgery?

Do you have enlarged breasts that cause you embarrassment and prevent you from showing your chest shirtless? Is it embarrassing going to the beach or public pool and taking your shirt off? Do you have puffy nipples that cause concern?

Gynecomastia or male breast enlargement is a condition characterized by abnormal swelling of the male breast. Male breast reduction corrects this condition.

“Man boobs” may be the result in the following situations:

  • generalized excess fatty tissue as in obesity
  • loss of such excess fatty tissue as in massive weight loss giving a loose skin, sagging empty breast look
  • abnormal overgrowth of the breast disk giving an enlarged male breast in an otherwise normal weight individual. This is due to: hormonal imbalance or irregularities, drug intake (eg anabolic steroids), idiopathic (no identifiable cause).

Are you a good candidate for male breast reduction?

Having man boobs can be unsightly, embarrassing, or even painful.

Male breast reduction surgery can be a good option if you:

  • Have man boobs and are bothered by the appearance of your chest
  • Feel self-conscious about the appearance of your chest
  • Wish to have a chest that if flatter and firmer

It’s also important to be in good overall health, to be a non-smoker, and to have realistic expectations.

Are You A Candidate?

Our Self Evaluation can help you decide if a male breast reduction is the right procedure for you.

What are the procedure techniques and scars

The surgery is usually done with a combination of liposuction, and surgically cutting out the excess breast tissue.

Cases due to breast disk enlargement alone require an operation called a subcutaneous mastectomy. This operation is done through a small incision around the nipple. It involves removal surgically of the swollen breast disk while preserving subcutaneous fat. The operation takes around 2 hours and involves a general anesthetic.

Dr Boudana makes sure the scars are well hidden at the lower half of the areola border. Incision site heals well will minimal scaring. This scar is made following natural contours of the body and not noticeable in the long term.

  • Anaesthesia:
    Local or General
  • Duration:
    2 hours
  • Pain level:
  • Recovery time:
    1 week
  • Resumption of physical activities:
    2-4 weeks

Why choose Dr. Boudana for your Male Breast Reduction Surgery?

With close to a thousand successful breast surgeries under his belt, Dr. Boudana has developed a great deal of expertise in the field. He will be able to guide and advise you in achieving your goal.

Procedure details

The consultation process is an opportunity to discuss what you would like to achieve with male breast reduction and find out more about the procedure.

In addition, Dr Boudana will ask more about your medical history and examine your chest to see what can be achieved with the procedure. The best options and technique for your needs will be discussed in detail, whether that involves just removing excess tissue or combining it with liposuction. Dr Boudana will also let you know more about the recovery process and possible complications with this procedure.

Gynecomastia treatment is typically performed under general anaesthesia, but may be performed under local anaesthetic in suitable patients. The procedure will take approximately 2 hours. Prior to your anaesthesia being administered, Dr Boudana will mark on your body the planned treatment areas and incisions. If the gynaecomastia is being treated with liposuction alone (with or without VASER), then approximately two 3-4mm incisions will be made to accommodate the liposuction cannulas. If the breast tissue is to also be removed via an open approach, then a small incision will be made along part the areola circumference. This is expected to heal well and remain well concealed. The planned incisions would have been discussed with you in detail at your prior consultation and will be confirmed again prior to your surgery. At the end of the operation, a compression garment will be applied to provide support and minimise swelling.

After the procedure, patients can experience some discomfort and feel tender over the chest although this is minimised with pain relief that is administered during the procedure. Patients are also put into Surgical garment straight after the surgery to reduce swelling and bruising but some bruising and swelling over the chest is normal. You will need to wear the garment for 4 to 6 weeks. It is advised that you take around 1 week off work for recovery depending on type of work you do Depending on the extent of your procedure, you will need to take a few days off work to rest. Avoid heavy lifting, strenuous exercise, swimming and strenuous sports until Dr Boudana advises you.


A Flatter and Firmer Chest

A male breast reduction can help you achieve a flatter and firmer chest and help you feel more comfortable with and without your shirt.

The result is immediate with a disappearance of the breasts visible from the first dressing the day after the operation.

The final result of gynecomastia surgery is not observed for 6 months to 1 year, in particular due to the progressive nature of skin retraction. On the other hand, from 3 months, the final result is obtained on the fat volume.

** The photos and/or videos are not presented as a guarantee of result. The results may vary.
** Patients gave their consent for the publication of photos and/or videos.

Do you want to see your new look before the surgery?

Visualize yourself in 3D & discover your new look with Dr. David Boudana!

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Ready to correct the enlargement of your breasts?

Schedule your personal or virtual consultation with Dr. David Boudana.

During your consultation, Dr. Boudana will take the time to address your specific goals and to discuss your treatment options. He will determine if you are a good candidate for male breast reduction surgery and review the results that can be realistically achieved. He will also help you determine which complementary procedures may benefit you the most.