Should You Consider Nipple Correction Surgery?

Inverted nipple correction surgery is a procedure that allows a retracted or invaginated nipple to be “pulled out.”

It is important to first rule out breast cancer. While rare, the sudden invagination of a nipple may be a sign of breast cancer. But, for the most part, inverted nipples are quite common. They can however interfere with breastfeeding, pose certain hygiene issues, and cause psychological distress and discomfort regarding their appearance.

Are you a good candidate for nipple correction?

The best candidates for nipple correction surgery are individuals with:

  • Indented or inverted nipples
  • Asymmetric nipples
  • Enlarged nipples
  • Enlarged or puffy areolas

Are You A Candidate?

Our Self Evaluation can help you decide if a nipple correction is the right procedure for you.

What are the procedure techniques and scars

Dr Boudana makes two to four small 1- to 2-millimetre incisions along the edge of the nipple. The overly tight ducts, which cause the inversion, are gently released, allowing the nipple to project outward. The incisions are sewn up with absorbable stitches, which dissolve on their own.

Although scars are the inevitable result of any surgery, we make every effort to keep them as inconspicuous as possible. The scars fade over time and are located in such a way as to become less noticeable as they fade.

  • Anaesthesia:
  • Duration:
    20 minutes
  • Pain level:
  • Recovery time:
    1 day
  • Resumption of physical activities:
    1 day

Why choose Dr. Boudana for your Nipple Correction Surgery?

With close to a thousand successful breast surgeries under his belt, Dr. Boudana has developed a great deal of expertise in the field. He will be able to guide and advise you in achieving your goal.

Procedure details

Before scheduling surgery to correct your inverted nipples, Dr Boudana will check your level of inversion to see if surgery is even necessary. There are three basic inversion levels:

Level One – The nipple is inverted but will respond to cold or touch and protrude normally. The protrusion is only temporary. This may also be referred to as “shy” nipples.

Level Two – The nipple is constantly inverted but suction may bring it out briefly. Again, the protrusion is only temporary as long as the suction is working.

Level Three – At this stage, the nipple will not project even under stimulation or suction. This is due to severely constricted tissue beneath the skin’s surface, and will likely require a surgical procedure to correct.

Dr Boudana will evaluate your personal situation to help you determine the best treatment option for you. If surgery appears to be the best choice, she performs a procedure that is most likely to preserve your nipple sensation afterward.

The procedure is done under local anaesthesia. Dr. Boudana will use an extremely fine needle and inject the area around the nipple.

Once the anaesthesia is injected, Dr Boudana makes two to four small 1- to 2-millimetre incisions along the edge of the nipple. The overly tight ducts, which cause the inversion, are gently released, allowing the nipple to project outward. The incisions are sewn up with absorbable stitches, which dissolve on their own.

We advise taking a day off for the procedure. You will likely be able to resume normal activities the day after the procedure with a moderate level of pain.

It is advisable not to put pressure on the nipple for three weeks.


The result of the correction of inverted nipples is immediate and can be considered final after 1 month, although the tiny scar will take several months to fade.

The correction of inverted nipples is a reliable intervention which in the vast majority of cases gives very good or excellent results in terms of functional, aesthetic and psychological benefits.

** The photos and/or videos are not presented as a guarantee of result. The results may vary.
** Images are not of actual clients and are for presentations purposes only.

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Ready to correct the shape of your nipples and get the look you’ve always wanted?

Schedule your personal or virtual consultation with Dr. David Boudana.

During your consultation, Dr. Boudana will take the time to address your specific goals and to discuss your treatment options. He will determine if you are a good candidate for nipple correction surgery and review the results that can be realistically achieved. He will also help you determine which complementary procedures may benefit you the most.