Incredible results with a Drainless Tummy Tuck Surgery

What is drainless tummy tuck surgery?

A tummy tuck is a procedure that removes excess skin and fat from the lower tummy area and is very often accompanied by a tightening of the rectus muscles, which have separated following pregnancy. The excess skin and fat on the tummy can be almost impossible to lose through diet and exercise. For women who have had children, there is usually a significant bulge contributing to the excess tissue. This bulge is due to the separation of the rectus muscles (diastasis) as the uterus expands during pregnancy. This gap never closes and acts as a hernia such that abdominal tissue pushes through, creating an unsightly bulge. Dr. David Boudana performs drainless tummy tuck surgery at Hidden Forest Hill, North York, Toronto Plastic Surgery Clinic.

A tummy tuck at Forest Hill, North York, Toronto Plastic Surgery Clinic involves an incision from hip to hip (below the bikini line) and a separate one around the belly button. The excess tissue is lifted to just under the ribcage to repair the muscle gap. The flap of tissue is then pulled down, and the excess is trimmed.

What is it DIFFERENT from a traditional tummy tuck?

Most surgeons use drains following tummy tucks to remove any blood or fluid. A drainless tummy tuck with Dr. David Boudana at Forest Hill, North York, Toronto Plastic Surgery Clinic avoids the need for drains by using a quilting technique to anchor the skin and fat to the muscles using a barbed stitch. This prevents the accumulation of fluid and blood. The added benefit is that these barbed stitches can create definition when placed correctly and produce a more excellent cosmetic result than a standard tummy tuck.

How long is the recovery process?

It takes a couple of weeks to recover from a tummy tuck. You can expect to be stiff and sore for the first few days. You should not drive for the first two weeks; there is no heavy lifting for six weeks. Dr. David Boudana is accessible to patients after their surgery at Forest Hill, North York, Toronto Plastic Surgery Clinic.

Book your consultation today with Dr David Boudana at his private Forest Hill plastic surgery clinic in Toronto.

Contact us now to begin restoring a beautiful and harmonious you. Please visit Abdominoplasty or call us – 416 785-7864

READY to Begin Your Transformation?

Schedule your personal or virtual consultation with Dr. David Boudana.

During your consultation, Dr. Boudana will take the time to address your specific goals and to discuss your treatment options. He will determine if you are a good candidate for cosmetic surgery and review the results that can be realistically achieved. He will also help you determine which complementary procedures may benefit you the most.