Should You Consider an Brazilian Butt Lift?

Brazilian butt lift (BBL) is a Buttock augmentation with Safe Subcutaneous Buttock Augmentation (SSBA) fat injection. The objective of this procedure is to augment size and shape of the buttocks through a specialized fat transfer, improving the silhouette.

This procedure is known under different names, but basically consists in transferring fat from one or more areas of the body (stomach, flanks, saddlebags, thighs, lower back, etc.) and reinjecting it into the buttocks to increase size, shape, and roundness.

Most commonly known as the Brazilian butt lift or Brazilian lift, the procedure was actually not invented in Brazil and is not a “lift” as there is no skin removal or scars larger than 2 mm to 4 mm.

Injecting autologous fat into the buttocks does have its share of risks and should be discussed during the consultation. Most importantly, the procedure must be performed by an experienced and qualified surgeon. Dr. Boudana has undergone intensive specialized training in Brazilian butt lifts to ensure this service is offered to his patients in total safety.

Are you a good candidate for Brazilian Butt lift?

A Brazilian Butt Lift is perfect for candidates who have issues with their flat buttocks, sagging buttocks or have experienced a dramatic weight loss, which can cause a change in their buttock’s shape. This includes after major life events, such as pregnancy and even after years of aging. Through a Brazilian Butt Lift, the result will be a rounder, more symmetrical and perky buttocks, with enhanced size and shape. Patients should be in good health and an average weight to receive a Brazilian Butt Lift and you should also not be a smoker at the time of the procedure.

Are You A Candidate?

Our Butt Contouring Cosmetic Self Evaluation can help you decide if a Brazilian butt lift is the right procedure for you.

What are the procedure techniques and scars

There are four steps involved in Brazilian Butt Lift surgery. This procedure is performed under local anaesthesia and twilight sedation, although a general anaesthetic is available on request.

  1. Harvesting fat: Liposuction removes fat cells from a donor site such as the tummy, love handles, lower back or thighs.
  2. Purifying fat: Only the most viable fat cells are selected and prepared to be re-injected into the buttocks.
  3. Expanding tissue: Dr. Boudana uses a technique, which involves expanding the tissue before re-injecting the fat. This ensures a more successful graft over the long term.
  4. Fat grafting: Dr. Boudana then transfers the fat into the buttocks using a cannula to augment its shape and volume.

  • Anaesthesia:
  • Duration:
    1 to 2.5 hours
  • Pain level:
  • Recovery time:
    7 to 14 days
  • Resumption of physical activities:
    4 to 6 weeks


With several hundred successful Brazilian Butt Lift procedures under his belt, Dr. Boudana is highly experienced in this procedure.

If you wish to enhance your buttocks, Dr. Boudana offers a personalized approach that will meet your expectations. He will listen, guide and advise you so you reach your goal.

Procedure details

Dr. Boudana will examine the area of the body that you wish to treat and will consider all factors that can influence the aesthetic result such as the amount of excess fat and skin and the quality of the skin.

During the consultation, Dr. Boudana will listen carefully to your expectations regarding desired butt size and shape. We advise bringing in photographs from magazines or social media sites such as Realself, Facebook, and Instagram of the butt sizes and shapes you like. But beware that some of these photographs may have been digitally altered and may create unrealistic expectations. These images will help Dr. Boudana better understand your expectations and goals. As such, a large part of the consultation is dedicated to listening to you.

However, not all goals are realistic, and it is important to understand what surgery can and cannot accomplish.

Dr. Boudana will examine your buttocks and assess all the factors that can influence the aesthetic result. These include the size and shape of your natural buttocks.

The first step of the procedure is removing excess fat from other parts of the body. These parts will have been identified during the consultation with Dr. Boudana. These usually include the abdomen, flanks, hips and back. The fat removal is done with liposuction using the SAFELipo® technique. The aspirated fat is preserved and reinjected into the buttocks in the second step.

The second step is done using the Expansion Vibration Lipofilling (EVL) technique, the most modern technique proven to be effective and safe.

The amount of fat injected into the buttocks will depend on the patient’s proportions and desired size and shape, determined beforehand with Dr. Boudana.

After the procedure, Dr. Boudana offers a personalized follow-up. It is advised not to apply pressure on the buttocks for 14 days.

You will be given a postoperative instruction sheet when you are discharged as well as a prescription for pain medication. A light compression garment and adhesive strips applied to the skin will stabilize the fat while the injected fat cells settle.

Immediately after the procedure, the swelling will make the buttocks appear larger. This will slowly subside over the next three to six months.

The result will be visible once the swelling has fully subsided and the fat cells have settled, about three months after the operation.


Brazilian Butt Lift surgery is intended to produce long-lasting results that look great for years to come. Furthermore, the fat cells that have been removed via liposuction will not return to the area, and fat cells that survive transfer to the buttocks will remain permanently. However, you should keep in mind that weight gain or loss can affect long-term outcomes. It’s recommended to maintain a healthy weight following surgery to keep your results looking their best.

** The photos and/or videos are not presented as a guarantee of result. The results may vary.
** Patients gave their consent for the publication of photos and/or videos.

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Ready for a more Defined Buttocks?

Schedule your personal or virtual consultation with Dr. David Boudana.

During your consultation, Dr. Boudana will take the time to address your specific goals and to discuss your treatment options. He will determine if you are a good candidate for Brazilian butt lift surgery and review the results that can be realistically achieved. He will also help you determine which complementary procedures may benefit you the most.