Should You Consider A Breast lipofilling?

Breast lipofilling, also known as fat grafting, involves removing fat from one or more areas of the body through liposuction, processing this tissue into liquid form, and then injecting it into the breasts.

A major part (60% to 70%) of the injected fat survives and helps improve the shape, symmetry and size of the breasts. However, the skin envelope, which cannot be stretched by the fat injection, will limit the size increase contrary to breast augmentation with implants. As such, if your goal is to increase breast size, then breast augmentation with implants may be more appropriate.

Are you a good candidate for breast lipofilling?

Breast lipofilling can help you achieve fuller, more shapely breasts, while also slimming down areas with excess fat.
Fat transfer breast augmentation is best suited for women who:

  • Want to improve the appearance of smaller breasts
  • Desire a subtle increase in breast size, going up by about one cup size
  • Looking to reduce and sculpt areas of the body with liposuction
  • Want to repair implant related issues such as rippling
  • Are non-smokers, as fat grafts do not survive well in the tissues of smokers

Fat transfer breast augmentation is not an appropriate option for women who:

  • Desire a large (two cup size or greater) size increase
  • Have sagging or deflated breasts that require lifting and filling
  • Are very thin without sufficient fat for harvest and donation to the breasts

Are You A Candidate?

Our Self Evaluation can help you decide if a breast lipofilling is the right procedure for you.

What are the procedure techniques and scars

Enjoy The Double Benefit of New Breasts and A Slimmer You

During fat transfer breast augmentation, fat is removed from another part of the body using gentle liposuction. The harvested fat is carefully purified to remove impurities and concentrate stem cells. Finally, the purified fat is meticulously injected in multiple layers as hundreds of tiny individual pearls called “microfat” grafts into your breasts. By placing them close to a blood supply, the harvested fat cells are more likely to survive and not be reabsorbed by the body.

Fat is harvested using a gentle form of liposuction from the stomach, love handles, thighs, and/or wherever there is fat to spare. Even thin patients can do well with this procedure. The fat then grows within a matrix of tissue, and the breasts enlarge naturally while the benefits of liposuction are also enjoyed.

Afterwards, fat is harvested by liposuction before being strategically and accurately injected into the breasts. As the procedure uses your own body fat, new blood vessels naturally form within the injected and integrated fat. Not all the fat cells will survive the fat transfer process, which is why Dr Boudana will inject more fat into your breasts during the procedure so you can achieve the enhancement you want.

  • Anaesthesia:
  • Duration:
    1 to 2.5 hours
  • Pain level:
  • Recovery time:
    7 to 14 days
  • Resumption of physical activities:
    4 to 6 weeks

Why choose Dr. Boudana for your breast lipofilling?

With close to a thousand successful breast reduction surgeries under his belt, Dr. Boudana has developed a great deal of expertise in the field. He will be able to guide and advise you in achieving your goal.

Procedure details

During the consultation, Dr. Boudana will listen carefully to your expectations regarding desired breast size and shape. We advise bringing in photographs from magazines or social media sites such as Realself, Facebook, and Instagram of the breast sizes and shapes you like. But beware that some of these photographs may have been digitally altered and may create unrealistic expectations. These images will help Dr. Boudana better understand your expectations and goals. As such, a large part of the consultation is dedicated to listening to you. However, not all goals are realistic, and it is important to understand what surgery can and cannot accomplish.

Dr. Boudana will examine your breasts and assess all the factors that can influence the aesthetic result. These include the size and shape of your natural breasts, skin and gland quality, and the position and size of your nipples and areolas.

If your breasts sag (breast ptosis), Dr. Boudana may suggest a mastopexy (breast lift) as well. These two procedures are performed at the same time.

Dr. Boudana will then photograph your breasts from different angles and place these photographs in your medical record. These photographs will be kept strictly confidential.

He will then take a 3D scan of your breasts and create simulations to choose the most appropriate solution to achieve your desired result. A virtual reality simulation is also offered.

Once you are under general anaesthesia, the skin of the breasts and the areas to be lipo-sucked (usually the stomach, waist or thighs) are carefully disinfected.

Then, the Power-Assisted Liposuction (PAL) is performed using the SAFELipo® technique. The aspirated fat is preserved and reinjected back into the breasts. This is done through two to three small 1- to 2-millimetre incisions, usually located along the crease under the breast.

A light-compression bra and adhesive strips can help stabilize the fat in the breasts while the injected fat cells settle. Immediately following surgery, the swelling may make breasts appear larger.

Final results and breast size may only be fully determined three months after surgery, once the swelling has gone down and fat has settled.

After the surgery, you will receive a personalized follow-up. Our nurses will also be available and will perform the first dressing change at our clinic, typically one week after surgery.

You will be given a postoperative instruction sheet when you are discharged as well as a prescription for pain medication.

All our follow-up appointments are free of charge for the first year after your surgery.


A Flatter and Firmer Chest

Apart from the natural results expected, there are several additional benefits compared to breast implant augmentation:

  • No incisions or scarring
  • No foreign materials introduced into the body
  • Fast recovery time
  • No implant complications
  • Liposuction body shaping

It is important to note that the amount of volume that can be added through a breast fat transfer is limited in contrast to the results that can be achieved with breast implants. Likewise, there are fewer options for the breast shape that can be achieved with a breast fat transfer. If you are after more upper pole fullness, or wish to go up more than one and a half cup sizes, an implant breast augmentation may be more suitable for you. For certain patients, a combination of an implant breast augmentation and breast fat grafting may produce the best results. During your in-person consultation, Dr Boudana will walk you through all of your options based on your desired results, so you are able to make the best possible choice for yourself.

** The photos and/or videos are not presented as a guarantee of result. The results may vary.
** Patients gave their consent for the publication of photos and/or videos.

Do you want to see your new look before the surgery?

Visualize yourself in 3D & discover your new look with Dr. David Boudana!

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Ready to Get the Natural Beautiful Breasts You’ve Always Wanted?

Schedule your personal or virtual consultation with Dr. David Boudana.

During your consultation, Dr. Boudana will take the time to address your specific goals and to discuss your treatment options. He will determine if you are a good candidate for breast lipofilling surgery and review the results that can be realistically achieved. He will also help you determine which complementary procedures may benefit you the most.