The benefits of Drainless tummy tuck! Is this surgery In Toronto right for you?

What is a Drainless Tummy Tuck?

Abdominoplasty is a well-known procedure for achieving a flatter, more toned stomach. After childbirth, considerable weight loss or ageing, you may feel that no amount of physical activity can help. This is where abdominoplasty can be a solution. Not all abdominoplasties are the same, as there are different techniques. In this case, a non-drainage abdominoplasty uses a specific suturing method to eliminate the need for post-operative drains. Dr David Boudana performs this abdominoplasty at his private Forest Hill plastic surgery clinic in Toronto.

How Does a Drainless Tummy Tuck Work?

Conventional abdominoplasty removes excess skin and fat from the abdomen. Abdominoplasty without drainage achieves the same results, but the significant difference is that it eliminates the need for post-operative drains.

The surgical technique itself is the same in both cases. It’s the closure of the wound that’s different, and that can have a considerable impact on your post-operative recovery. Dr David Boudana will use an advanced suture-progression technique to close the incision after surgery at his private Forest Hill plastic surgery clinic in Toronto. The treatment lasts approximately three hours.

With a non-drainage abdominoplasty, you essentially benefit from liposuction and a traditional abdominoplasty with a different suturing technique. This technique eliminates the need for drains. The procedure involves using liposuction to remove stubborn fat from the abdomen. Dr Boudana then makes an incision to remove excess skin and muscle tissue. He will tighten the skin and muscles, creating a more toned and contoured abdomen.

What are the Benefits of a Drainless Tummy Tuck?

Like conventional abdominoplasty, abdominoplasty without drainage simultaneously tackles excess skin and fat. Abdominoplasty helps to achieve a flat, smooth stomach, eliminate stretch marks, reduce waist circumference, and restore the body after pregnancy or childbirth.

Abdominoplasty is often part of a rejuvenation program, liposuction, and breast augmentation.

In addition to these advantages, abdominoplasty without drainage does not require drains after the operation. The placement of drains can sometimes take work. The recovery period is less complicated and quicker, thanks to the elimination of drains. Your convalescence should be more comfortable, and you’ll need less downtime than a conventional abdominoplasty. The absence of post-operative drains reduces the risk of complications.

As you can see, the main benefits of a drainage-free abdominoplasty appear during the recovery period. In addition to the excellent results you can expect from abdominoplasty, eliminating drains during the recovery period is often a considerable advantage for patients.

Book your consultation today with Dr David Boudana at his private Forest Hill plastic surgery clinic in Toronto.

Contact us now to begin restoring a beautiful and harmonious you. Please visit Abdominoplasty or call us – 416 785-7864

READY to Begin Your Transformation?

Schedule your personal or virtual consultation with Dr. David Boudana.

During your consultation, Dr. Boudana will take the time to address your specific goals and to discuss your treatment options. He will determine if you are a good candidate for cosmetic surgery and review the results that can be realistically achieved. He will also help you determine which complementary procedures may benefit you the most.