Types of incisions for breast lift

Breast lift surgery, also known as mastopexy, is a popular cosmetic procedure that can help to lift and reshape sagging breasts. The surgery involves removing excess skin and tightening the breast tissue to create a more youthful and perky appearance.

Like most surgical procedures, breast lift surgery requires incisions, and the location and size of these incisions can vary depending on your needs. In this blog post, we’ll explore the different types of breast lift incisions that Dr. David Boudana can use during your surgery.

  • Periareolar incision: This incision is made around the edge of the areola, the darker skin surrounding the nipple. It is the smallest incision and is typically used for mild cases of sagging or for patients who only need a slight lift. Periareolar incisions are well hidden by the natural transition between the areola and the surrounding skin, and they usually heal well.
  • Vertical incision: This incision is made around the edge of the areola and extends vertically down the breast, following the natural curve of the breast. It is often used for moderate cases of sagging or for patients who require a moderate lift. The vertical incision allows Dr. Boudana to reshape the breast and remove excess skin, but it may result in a more noticeable scar.
  • Anchor incision: This incision is made around the edge of the areola, extends vertically down the breast, and then extends horizontally along the breast crease. It is used for severe cases of sagging or for patients requiring a significant lift. The anchor incision provides the most extensive access to the breast tissue and allows Dr. Boudana to reshape the breast and remove a more substantial amount of excess skin. This incision results in the most visible scar.

Factors that influence the placement of breast lift incisions

The location and size of breast lift incisions are determined by several factors that Dr. Boudana will assess during your consultation. These include:

  • The degree of sagging: The severity of the sagging will determine the type and length of the incision required.
  • The amount of excess skin: If a patient has a significant amount of excess skin, a larger incision may be necessary.
  • The patient’s anatomy: The size and shape of a patient’s breasts can influence the placement of incisions.

The final result

Breast lift surgery can be a life-changing procedure for women unhappy with their breasts’ appearance. While incisions are required for breast lift surgery, they are well hidden and usually heal well over time. The type and placement of the incisions will vary depending on your specific needs. With the right incisions and surgical technique, breast lift surgery can provide a more youthful and perky breast appearance, restoring confidence and enhancing self-image.

To book your breast lift, please visit – https://drdavidboudana.com/services/mastopexy/ or call us – 416 785-7864

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