What’s included in a mommy makeover at Forest Hill Plastic Surgery. Restore your pre-pregnancy body.

Post-pregnancy, your body undergoes significant changes. Breastfeeding can lead to droopier breasts due to volume loss. The abdomen also loses elasticity, resulting in a different post-baby appearance.

After childbirth, breasts may swell due to milk production. Regardless of breastfeeding, the subsequent loss of density and tissue size often leads to sagging.

Weight fluctuations during and after pregnancy cause stretch marks and loose skin on the belly, thighs, hips, and bottom. These marks tend to fade over time.

Initially, your belly may appear baggy for up to two weeks post-birth as it returns to its non-stretched state. Some moms may struggle with excess skin, necessitating surgical intervention for removal.

Post Pregnancy Surgery with Dr David Boudana at his private Forest Hill plastic surgery clinic in Toronto, incorporates several cosmetic surgery procedures to restore your pre-pregnancy body. These procedures are designed to have a contouring and tightening effect on the areas most affected by pregnancy.

What is included in a mommy makeover with Dr David Boudana at his private Forest Hill plastic surgery clinic in Toronto?

Typically, procedures include:

  • breast lift surgery — with or without breast implants
  • liposuction
  • tummy tuck (abdominoplasty)

Some women even combine surgical procedures with non-surgical cosmetic treatments to achieve their desired makeover outcome.

Breast lift

Once you’ve finished breastfeeding, the skin on your breasts will likely become looser and saggier than before. A breast lift is ideal for removing any sagging and restoring your natural shape and higher breasts. A breast lift and implant placement are recommended if you’ve lost much volume or would like larger breasts. Dr David Boudana will strive to make your breasts as natural and beautiful as possible.


The weight loss after childbirth is only sometimes sufficient or as significant as women would like. Sometimes, there are more stubborn areas of excess fat that even exercise fails to eliminate. This is where liposuction becomes an option to remove that layer of fat beneath the skin. Dr David Boudana recommends that you first reach your target weight or get as close to it as possible, as this is not a weight loss tool but rather a contouring method to enhance your figure.

Tummy tuck

As you might expect, your belly has stretched a lot during pregnancy. For most women, the belly will return to its previous shape, but in some cases, excess skin can’t return to normal. Some women will also experience diastases recti, splitting the abdominal muscles down the body’s midline. The ideal solution for loose skin is abdominoplasty, which involves removing the skin and stitching it back together to restore your tummy to its standard shape. During this procedure, Dr. Boudana will also tighten the abdominal muscles.

Book your consultation today with Dr David Boudana at his private Forest Hill plastic surgery clinic in Toronto.

Contact us now to begin your journey towards a more beautiful and harmonious you. Please visit Mommy makeover or call us – 416 785-7864

READY to Begin Your Transformation?

Schedule your personal or virtual consultation with Dr. David Boudana.

During your consultation, Dr. Boudana will take the time to address your specific goals and to discuss your treatment options. He will determine if you are a good candidate for cosmetic surgery and review the results that can be realistically achieved. He will also help you determine which complementary procedures may benefit you the most.